Dr. Kevin Goulbourne

Director of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services, Mental Health Unit in Ministry of Health & Wellness

Dr. Kevin Goulbourne pursued his first medical degree, M.B.B.S. at UWI, Mona and later specialized in the field of Psychiatry. He has special interest in drug abuse treatment and completed Hubert Humphrey Fellowship in Drug Abuse and Health Services Management at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA. He was involved in the pilot drug treatment court in Jamaica which is a court that sought to combine drug abuse treatment with judicial oversight.

He served as the Regional Psychiatrist in the Western Regional Health Authority and later worked for few months as a Consultant Psychiatrist at Bellevue Hospital. For more than 5 years he occupied the post of Medical Director of the Medical Services Branch in the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) where he has been involved in an ongoing drive to encourage healthy life style and early intervention in treating medical conditions through regular screening of members of the JCF.

Transforming lives through stable community and professional support.

Transforming lives through stable community and professional support.

Transforming lives through stable community and professional support.